14. August 2011

Oh my....

it seems pretty obvious now. I'm as a reader just as voracious as an artist!
Normally i read several books (up to six, sometimes more) simultaneously...
Now guess what, i counted my current sketchbooks and the number is: 7.
And this are just those i'm working in daily!

The book in the right top corner is my private journal. 
The orange one is a softcover of a Robert Crumb Sketchbook, 
in which i draw my own ideas inspired by the great man himself.

I reckon you like to peek into them...  ;-)
Hmmm, let's see which one, ah, here:

And from my privat journal:

Hope you like it.

I haven't got time to post recently so i thought this would please you!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hallole, Judith!!
    Achduliebe! Ich dachte, ich wäre die einzige mit mehrere offene sketchbooks am gleichen Zeit!!!
    :-DDD Freut mich, dann hab ich das Gefühl, dass ich nicht so Sonderling bin, wie ich dachte!
    Im Moment habe ich hmmm... 4 offene Sketchbooks, aber meine sind gar nicht eingeordnet.
    Tolle Buchstaben und Zeichnungen! Great die Titeln, die Du in den Covern gemalt hast! Super idee!

  2. This is AWESOME! Love the bright-colored letterings on black covers. I currently have 4 sketchbooks — pen, watercolor, pencil/charcoal, and the last one is for studying (stealing? LOL) other artists' work — but I haven't done anything with the covers! What you did makes the sketchbooks so attractive and enticing to use. Very inspiring!
